The Complete

Minimalist Homeschooling


Make this the year that you trade doubt and overwhelm

for confidence and peace.




How the Membership Works:

This is a monthly membership that combines the book Minimalist Homeschooling: A values-based approach to maximize learning and minimize stress with a Minimalist Homeschooling Master Class, PLUS all of the support that homeschoolers need to declutter their child's education once and for all. 

  • The complete book on audio!  And an ebook, too if you want it.

  • A 9-month Master Class filled with Quick, Info-Packed Video Tutorials (with transcripts) and brand-new printables.

  • Monthly LIVE Group Coaching Calls Completely Included!

  • An Exclusive Facebook Group

  • New Content Every Month Just for Members!


But what if I already bought the book? 

Is this different?

The book, Minimalist Homeschooling was published over a year ago, and since then, has transformed thousands of homeschools.  I have been amazed by its popularity and positive feedback.


During that time, I have been doing a lot of listening: I have fielded a lot of questions, and asked a lot of questions.  The result?  I know that in order to make a complete transformation to Minimalist Homeschooling, homeschoolers crave more in-depth resources, and support. 


This membership is my way of offering that support to as many people as possible, and having a lot of fun and meeting some great people along the way :). 


And, the membership includes

the complete book in print and audio,

a 9-month Minimalist Homeschooling Master Class

new and redesigned worksheets,

coaching calls,

bonus printables and graphics,

exclusive monthly content,

and its own facebook group .


Wouldn't it be great to learn exactly

how to maximize learning and minimize stress, 

before you spend one more minute or one more dime homeschooling? 


Dear You,


I am a homeschooling, business-owning mother of 4 who was going crazy trying to "do it all" not so long ago.  In a last-ditch effort to regain my confidence, my peace, and some free-time, I went to work on how we homeschool, and my mindset around homeschooling.  


It turns out that you can try different curricula, planners, schedules, spaces, supplies... and still never feel at peace with your homeschool.  Right?  I know you've tried at least some of those changes already!


The fact is, the stuff doesn't matter nearly as much as your mindset about the stuff.  The sooner we stop looking to stuff to solve the problem, the sooner our homeschools flourish.  


So, I created a process for designing a high-value, and simple homeschool.  Then, I wrote a book and created a whole bunch of useful materials - worksheets, videos, graphics - in the hopes of saving my fellow homeschoolers from a crazy, busy life of too much to do, too much to buy, and too much to plan.  

I would love to show you exactly how I found a meaningful sense of success (hint: it has nothing to do with "doing enough").  I would love to show you how you really can gain MORE by doing LESS.  And, I would love to help you take back the time in your days, and find a sense of peace and confidence homeschooling.   


Wishing you all the simple things,

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